Source code for pykickstart.commands.bootloader

# Chris Lumens <>
# Copyright 2007-2014 Red Hat, Inc.
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# General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
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from pykickstart.version import RHEL5, RHEL6, versionToLongString
from pykickstart.version import FC3, FC4, F8, F12, F14, F15, F17, F18, F19, F21, F29, F34, F39
from pykickstart.base import KickstartCommand, RemovedCommand
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseError
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser, commaSplit

from pykickstart.i18n import _

[docs] class FC3_Bootloader(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.driveorder = kwargs.get("driveorder", []) self.appendLine = kwargs.get("appendLine", "") self.forceLBA = kwargs.get("forceLBA", False) self.linear = kwargs.get("linear", True) self.location = kwargs.get("location", "none") self.md5pass = kwargs.get("md5pass", "") self.password = kwargs.get("password", "") self.upgrade = kwargs.get("upgrade", False) self.useLilo = kwargs.get("useLilo", False) self.deleteRemovedAttrs() def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = "" if self.appendLine: retval += " --append=\"%s\"" % self.appendLine if self.linear: retval += " --linear" if self.location: retval += " --location=%s" % self.location if hasattr(self, "forceLBA") and self.forceLBA: retval += " --lba32" if self.password: retval += " --password=\"%s\"" % self.password if self.md5pass: retval += " --md5pass=\"%s\"" % self.md5pass if self.upgrade: retval += " --upgrade" if self.useLilo: retval += " --useLilo" if len(self.driveorder) > 0: retval += " --driveorder=\"%s\"" % ",".join(self.driveorder) return retval def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.location: retval += "# System bootloader configuration\nbootloader" retval += self._getArgsAsStr() + "\n" return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="bootloader", description=""" This required command specifies how the boot loader should be installed. There must be a biosboot partition for the bootloader to be installed successfully onto a disk that contains a GPT/GUID partition table, which includes disks initialized by anaconda. This partition may be created with the kickstart command ``part biosboot --fstype=biosboot --size=1``. However, in the case that a disk has an existing biosboot partition, adding a ``part biosboot`` option is unnecessary.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--append", dest="appendLine", version=FC3, help=""" Specifies additional kernel parameters. For example: ``bootloader --location=mbr --append="hdd=ide-scsi ide=nodma"`` **Note** The installer will add the bootloader arguments ``rhgb quiet`` if plymouth is installed on the target system. You can disable these options with ``-plymouth`` in the ``%%packages`` section. """) op.add_argument("--linear", action="store_true", default=True, version=FC3, help="use linear mode to access hard disks (for LILO only)") op.add_argument("--nolinear", dest="linear", action="store_false", version=FC3, help="do not use linear mode to access hard disks (for LILO only)") op.add_argument("--location", default="mbr", version=FC3, choices=["mbr", "partition", "none", "boot"], help=""" Specifies where the boot record is written. Valid values are the following: mbr (the default), partition (installs the boot loader on the first sector of the partition containing the kernel), or none (do not install the boot loader). **Note** `bootloader --location=none` is different from `bootloader --location=none --disabled`. `--location=none` prevents extra installation steps that makes the target machine bootable, e.g. write to MBR on x86 BIOS systems. However, the corresponding RPM packages are still installed, and `--disabled` can be appended to prevent it. `bootloader --disabled` only does not prevent the installation of the bootloader and Anaconda will complain if no other options are provided. """) op.add_argument("--lba32", dest="forceLBA", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC3, help="force the use of LBA32 mode for hard disk access (LILO only)") op.add_argument("--password", default="", version=FC3, help=""" If using GRUB, sets the GRUB boot loader password. This should be used to restrict access to the GRUB shell, where arbitrary kernel options can be passed.""") op.add_argument("--md5pass", default="", version=FC3, help=""" If using GRUB, similar to ``--password=`` except the password should already be encrypted.""") op.add_argument("--upgrade", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC3, help="upgrade the boot loader installed on disk") op.add_argument("--useLilo", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC3, help="force the use of LILO") op.add_argument("--driveorder", type=commaSplit, version=FC3, help="define the explicit hard disk order the boot loader should use") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) if self.currentCmd == "lilo": self.useLilo = True return self
[docs] class FC3_Lilo(FC3_Bootloader): """ This is for backwards compatibility and docs generation. Used only in FC3, RHEL3 and RHEL4. """ def _getParser(self): op = super(FC3_Lilo, self)._getParser() op.prog = "lilo" return op
[docs] class FC4_Lilo(RemovedCommand, FC3_Lilo): def _getParser(self): op = FC3_Lilo._getParser(self) op.description += "\n\n.. versionremoved:: %s" % versionToLongString(FC4) return op
[docs] class FC4_Bootloader(FC3_Bootloader): removedKeywords = FC3_Bootloader.removedKeywords + ["linear", "useLilo"] removedAttrs = FC3_Bootloader.removedAttrs + ["linear", "useLilo"] def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): FC3_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = "" if self.appendLine: retval += " --append=\"%s\"" % self.appendLine if self.location: retval += " --location=%s" % self.location if hasattr(self, "forceLBA") and self.forceLBA: retval += " --lba32" if self.password: retval += " --password=\"%s\"" % self.password if self.md5pass: retval += " --md5pass=\"%s\"" % self.md5pass if self.upgrade: retval += " --upgrade" if len(self.driveorder) > 0: retval += " --driveorder=\"%s\"" % ",".join(self.driveorder) return retval def _getParser(self): op = FC3_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--linear", version=FC4) op.remove_argument("--nolinear", version=FC4) op.remove_argument("--useLilo", version=FC4) return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class F8_Bootloader(FC4_Bootloader): removedKeywords = FC4_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = FC4_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): FC4_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.timeout = kwargs.get("timeout", None) self.default = kwargs.get("default", "") def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = FC4_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.timeout is not None: ret += " --timeout=%d" % (self.timeout,) if self.default: ret += " --default=%s" % (self.default,) return ret def _getParser(self): op = FC4_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--timeout", type=int, version=F8, help=""" Specify the number of seconds before the bootloader times out and boots the default option.""") op.add_argument("--default", version=F8, help=""" Sets the default boot image in the bootloader configuration.""") return op
[docs] class F12_Bootloader(F8_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F8_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F8_Bootloader.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F8_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--lba32", dest="forceLBA", action="store_true", help="force the use of LBA32 mode for hard disk access (LILO only)", deprecated=F12) return op
[docs] class F14_Bootloader(F12_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F12_Bootloader.removedKeywords + ["forceLBA"] removedAttrs = F12_Bootloader.removedKeywords + ["forceLBA"] def _getParser(self): op = F12_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--lba32", version=F14) return op
[docs] class F15_Bootloader(F14_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F14_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F14_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F14_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.isCrypted = kwargs.get("isCrypted", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = F14_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.isCrypted: ret += " --iscrypted" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F14_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--iscrypted", dest="isCrypted", action="store_true", default=False, version=F15, help=""" If given, the password specified by ``--password=`` is already encrypted and should be passed to the bootloader configuration without additional modification.""") op.add_argument("--md5pass", dest="_md5pass", metavar="MD5PASS", version=F15, help="Alias for ``--password=MD5PASS --iscrypted``.") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) # argparse doesn't give us a way to set two things at once, so we need to check if # _md5pass was given and if so, set everything now. if getattr(ns, "_md5pass", None): ns.password = ns._md5pass ns.isCrypted = True del ns._md5pass self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class F17_Bootloader(F15_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F15_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F15_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F15_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.bootDrive = kwargs.get("bootDrive", "") def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = F15_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.bootDrive: ret += " --boot-drive=%s" % self.bootDrive return ret def _getParser(self): op = F15_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--boot-drive", dest="bootDrive", default="", version=F17, help=""" Specifies which drive the bootloader should be written to and thus, which drive the computer will boot from.""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): retval = F15_Bootloader.parse(self, args) if "," in retval.bootDrive: # pylint: disable=no-member raise KickstartParseError(_("--boot-drive accepts only one argument"), lineno=self.lineno) return retval
[docs] class F18_Bootloader(F17_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F17_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F17_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F17_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.leavebootorder = kwargs.get("leavebootorder", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = F17_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.leavebootorder: ret += " --leavebootorder" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F17_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--leavebootorder", action="store_true", default=False, version=F18, help=""" On EFI or ISeries/PSeries machines, this option prevents the installer from making changes to the existing list of bootable images.""") return op
[docs] class RHEL5_Bootloader(FC4_Bootloader): removedKeywords = FC4_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = FC4_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): FC4_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.hvArgs = kwargs.get("hvArgs", "") def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = FC4_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.hvArgs: ret += " --hvargs=\"%s\"" % (self.hvArgs,) return ret def _getParser(self): op = FC4_Bootloader._getParser(self) # todo: this is only in RHEL5 and nowhere else # possibly shadowed by the way we implement commands # inheritance op.add_argument("--hvargs", dest="hvArgs", version=RHEL5, help="specify Xen hypervisor kernel arguments") return op
[docs] class RHEL6_Bootloader(F12_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F12_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F12_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F12_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.isCrypted = kwargs.get("isCrypted", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = F12_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.isCrypted: ret += " --iscrypted" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F12_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--iscrypted", dest="isCrypted", action="store_true", default=False, version=RHEL6, help=""" If given, the password specified by ``--password=`` is already encrypted and should be passed to the bootloader configuration without additional modification.""") op.add_argument("--md5pass", dest="_md5pass", metavar="MD5PASS", version=RHEL6, help="Alias for ``--password=MD5PASS --iscrypted``.") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) # argparse doesn't give us a way to set two things at once, so we need to check if # _md5pass was given and if so, set everything now. if getattr(ns, "_md5pass", None): ns.password = ns._md5pass ns.isCrypted = True del ns._md5pass self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class F19_Bootloader(F18_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F18_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F18_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F18_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.extlinux = kwargs.get("extlinux", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): ret = F18_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.extlinux: ret += " --extlinux" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F18_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--extlinux", action="store_true", default=False, version=F19, help=""" Use the extlinux bootloader instead of GRUB. This option only works on machines that are supported by extlinux.""") return op
[docs] class F21_Bootloader(F19_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F19_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F19_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=10, *args, **kwargs): F19_Bootloader.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.disabled = kwargs.get("disabled", False) self.nombr = kwargs.get("nombr", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): if self.disabled: return " --disabled" ret = F19_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.nombr: ret += " --nombr" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F19_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--disabled", action="store_true", default=False, version=F21, help=""" Do not install the boot loader. **Note** `bootloader --location=none` is different from `bootloader --location=none --disabled`. `--location=none` prevents extra installation steps that makes the target machine bootable, e.g. write to MBR on x86 BIOS systems. However, the corresponding RPM packages are still installed, and `--disabled` can be appended to prevent it. `bootloader --disabled` only does not prevent the installation of the bootloader and Anaconda will complain if no other options are provided. """) op.add_argument("--nombr", action="store_true", default=False, version=F21, help="do not install the boot loader to the MBR") return op
[docs] class RHEL7_Bootloader(F21_Bootloader): pass
[docs] class F29_Bootloader(F21_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F21_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F21_Bootloader.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F21_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--upgrade", action="store_true", default=False, deprecated=F29, help="upgrade the boot loader installed on disk") return op
[docs] class RHEL8_Bootloader(F29_Bootloader): pass
[docs] class F34_Bootloader(F29_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F29_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F29_Bootloader.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F29_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--upgrade", version=F34) return op
[docs] class RHEL9_Bootloader(F34_Bootloader): pass
[docs] class F39_Bootloader(F34_Bootloader): removedKeywords = F34_Bootloader.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F34_Bootloader.removedAttrs def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): F34_Bootloader.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.sdboot = kwargs.get("sdboot", False) def _getArgsAsStr(self): if self.disabled: return " --disabled" ret = F21_Bootloader._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.sdboot: ret += " --sdboot" return ret def _getParser(self): op = F34_Bootloader._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--sdboot", action="store_true", default=False, version=F39, help=""" Use systemd-boot as the bootloader instead of grub2. This option only works on EFI machines.""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): retval = F34_Bootloader.parse(self, args) if self.sdboot and self.extlinux: msg = _("Only one of --sdboot and --extlinux may be specified for bootloader command.") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return retval