Source code for pykickstart.commands.btrfs

# Chris Lumens <>
# David Lehman <>
# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007, 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
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# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
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from pykickstart.version import F17, F23, RHEL8, versionToLongString
from pykickstart.base import BaseData, KickstartCommand, DeprecatedCommand
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseError, KickstartParseWarning
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser, mountpoint

import warnings
from pykickstart.i18n import _

[docs] class F17_BTRFSData(BaseData): removedKeywords = BaseData.removedKeywords removedAttrs = BaseData.removedAttrs def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.format = kwargs.get("format", True) self.preexist = kwargs.get("preexist", False) self.label = kwargs.get("label", "") self.mountpoint = kwargs.get("mountpoint", "") self.devices = kwargs.get("devices", []) self.dataLevel = kwargs.get("data", None) or kwargs.get("dataLevel", None) self.metaDataLevel = kwargs.get("metadata", None) or kwargs.get("metaDataLevel", None) # subvolume-specific self.subvol = kwargs.get("subvol", False) self.parent = kwargs.get("parent", "") = kwargs.get("name", None) # required def __eq__(self, y): if not y: return False return self.mountpoint == y.mountpoint def __ne__(self, y): return not self == y def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = "" if not self.format: retval += " --noformat" if self.preexist: retval += " --useexisting" if self.label: retval += " --label=%s" % self.label if self.dataLevel: retval += " --data=%s" % self.dataLevel.lower() if self.metaDataLevel: retval += " --metadata=%s" % self.metaDataLevel.lower() if self.subvol: retval += " --subvol --name=%s" % return retval def __str__(self): retval = BaseData.__str__(self) retval += "btrfs %s" % self.mountpoint retval += self._getArgsAsStr() return retval + " " + " ".join(self.devices) + "\n"
[docs] class F23_BTRFSData(F17_BTRFSData): removedKeywords = F17_BTRFSData.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F17_BTRFSData.removedAttrs def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): F17_BTRFSData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.mkfsopts = kwargs.get("mkfsoptions", "") or kwargs.get("mkfsopts", "") def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = F17_BTRFSData._getArgsAsStr(self) if self.mkfsopts: retval += " --mkfsoptions=\"%s\"" % self.mkfsopts return retval
[docs] class RHEL7_BTRFSData(F23_BTRFSData): pass
[docs] class F17_BTRFS(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=132, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() # A dict of all the RAID levels we support. This means that if we # support more levels in the future, subclasses don't have to # duplicate too much. self.levelMap = {"raid0": "raid0", "0": "raid0", "raid1": "raid1", "1": "raid1", "raid10": "raid10", "10": "raid10", "single": "single"} self.btrfsList = kwargs.get("btrfsList", []) def __str__(self): retval = "" for btr in self.btrfsList: retval += btr.__str__() return retval def _getParser(self): def level_cb(value): if value.lower() in self.levelMap: return self.levelMap[value.lower()] else: raise KickstartParseError(_("Invalid btrfs level: %s") % value, lineno=self.lineno) op = KSOptionParser(prog="btrfs", description=""" Defines a BTRFS volume or subvolume. This command is of the form: ``btrfs <mntpoint> --data=<level> --metadata=<level> --label=<label> <partitions*>`` for volumes and of the form: ``btrfs <mntpoint> --subvol --name=<path> <parent>`` for subvolumes. The ``<partitions*>`` (which denotes that multiple partitions can be listed) lists the BTRFS identifiers to add to the BTRFS volume. For subvolumes, should be the identifier of the subvolume's parent volume. ``<mntpoint>`` Location where the file system is mounted.""", epilog=""" The following example shows how to create a BTRFS volume from member partitions on three disks with subvolumes for root and home. The main volume is not mounted or used directly in this example -- only the root and home subvolumes:: part btrfs.01 --size=6000 --ondisk=sda part btrfs.02 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdb part btrfs.03 --size=6000 --ondisk=sdc btrfs none --data=0 --metadata=1 --label=f17 btrfs.01 btrfs.02 btrfs.03 btrfs / --subvol --name=root LABEL=f17 btrfs /home --subvol --name=home f17""", version=F17) op.add_argument("--noformat", dest="format", action="store_false", default=True, version=F17, help=""" Use an existing BTRFS volume (or subvolume) and do not reformat the filesystem.""") op.add_argument("--useexisting", dest="preexist", action="store_true", default=False, help="Same as ``--noformat``.", version=F17) # label, data, metadata op.add_argument("--label", default="", version=F17, help=""" Specify the label to give to the filesystem to be made. If the given label is already in use by another filesystem, a new label will be created. This option has no meaning for subvolumes.""") op.add_argument("--data", dest="dataLevel", type=level_cb, help=""" RAID level to use (0, 1, 10) for filesystem data. Optional. This option has no meaning for subvolumes.""", version=F17) op.add_argument("--metadata", dest="metaDataLevel", type=level_cb, version=F17, help=""" RAID level to use (0, 1, 10) for filesystem/volume metadata. Optional. This option has no meaning for subvolumes.""") # # subvolumes # op.add_argument("--subvol", action="store_true", default=False, version=F17, help="Create BTRFS subvolume.") # parent must be a device spec (LABEL, UUID, &c) op.add_argument("--parent", default="", version=F17, help="BTRFS parent device") op.add_argument("--name", default="", version=F17, help=""" Subvolume name.""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): (ns, extra) = self.op.parse_known_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) data = self.dataClass() # pylint: disable=not-callable self.set_to_obj(ns, data) data.lineno = self.lineno if not data.format: data.preexist = True elif data.preexist: data.format = False if not extra: raise KickstartParseError(_("btrfs must be given a mountpoint"), lineno=self.lineno) elif any(arg for arg in extra if arg.startswith("-")): mapping = {"command": "btrfs", "options": extra} raise KickstartParseError(_("Unexpected arguments to %(command)s command: %(options)s") % mapping, lineno=self.lineno) data.mountpoint = mountpoint(extra[0]) data.devices = extra[1:] if not any([data.devices, data.subvol]): raise KickstartParseError(_("btrfs must be given a list of partitions"), lineno=self.lineno) elif not data.devices: raise KickstartParseError(_("btrfs subvol requires specification of parent volume"), lineno=self.lineno) if data.subvol and not raise KickstartParseError(_("btrfs subvolume requires a name"), lineno=self.lineno) # Check for duplicates in the data list. if data in self.dataList(): warnings.warn(_("A btrfs volume with the mountpoint %s has already been defined.") % data.mountpoint, KickstartParseWarning) return data
[docs] def dataList(self): return self.btrfsList
@property def dataClass(self): return self.handler.BTRFSData
[docs] class F23_BTRFS(F17_BTRFS): removedKeywords = F17_BTRFS.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F17_BTRFS.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F17_BTRFS._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--mkfsoptions", dest="mkfsopts", version=F23, help=""" Specifies additional parameters to be passed to the program that makes a filesystem on this partition. No processing is done on the list of arguments, so they must be supplied in a format that can be passed directly to the mkfs program. This means multiple options should be comma-separated or surrounded by double quotes, depending on the filesystem.""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): data = F17_BTRFS.parse(self, args) if (data.preexist or not data.format) and data.mkfsopts: raise KickstartParseError(_("--mkfsoptions with --noformat or --useexisting has no effect."), lineno=self.lineno) return data
[docs] class RHEL7_BTRFS(F23_BTRFS): pass
[docs] class RHEL8_BTRFS(DeprecatedCommand, F23_BTRFS): def __init__(self): # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called DeprecatedCommand.__init__(self) def _getParser(self): op = F23_BTRFS._getParser(self) op.description += "\n\n.. deprecated:: %s" % versionToLongString(RHEL8) return op
[docs] class RHEL9_BTRFS(RHEL8_BTRFS): pass
[docs] class RHEL10_BTRFS(RHEL8_BTRFS): pass