Source code for pykickstart.commands.clearpart

# Chris Lumens <>
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from pykickstart.version import FC3, F17, F21, F25, F28
from pykickstart.base import KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser, commaSplit

[docs] class FC3_ClearPart(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=120, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.drives = kwargs.get("drives", []) self.initAll = kwargs.get("initAll", False) self.type = kwargs.get("type", None) def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.type is None: return retval if self.type == CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE: clearstr = " --none" elif self.type == CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX: clearstr = " --linux" elif self.type == CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL: clearstr = " --all" else: clearstr = "" if self.initAll: initstr = " --initlabel" else: initstr = "" if self.drives: drivestr = " --drives=" + ",".join(self.drives) else: drivestr = "" retval += "# Partition clearing information\nclearpart%s%s%s\n" % (clearstr, initstr, drivestr) return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="clearpart", description=""" Removes partitions from the system, prior to creation of new partitions. By default, no partitions are removed. If the clearpart command is used, then the ``--onpart`` command cannot be used on a logical partition.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--all", dest="type", action="store_const", const=CLEARPART_TYPE_ALL, version=FC3, help="Erases all partitions from the system.") op.add_argument("--drives", type=commaSplit, help=""" Specifies which drives to clear partitions from. For example, the following clears the partitions on the first two drives on the primary IDE controller:: ``clearpart --all --drives=sda,sdb``""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--initlabel", dest="initAll", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC3, help=""" Initializes the disk label to the default for your architecture (for example msdos for x86 and gpt for Itanium). This is only meaningful in combination with the '--all' option.""") op.add_argument("--linux", dest="type", action="store_const", const=CLEARPART_TYPE_LINUX, version=FC3, help="Erases all Linux partitions.") op.add_argument("--none", dest="type", action="store_const", const=CLEARPART_TYPE_NONE, version=FC3, help=""" Do not remove any partitions. This is the default""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class F17_ClearPart(FC3_ClearPart): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(F17_ClearPart, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.devices = kwargs.get("devices", []) def __str__(self): s = super(F17_ClearPart, self).__str__() if s and self.devices: s = s.rstrip() s += " --list=" + ",".join(self.devices) s += "\n" return s def _getParser(self): op = FC3_ClearPart._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--list", dest="devices", type=commaSplit, version=F17, help=""" Specifies which partitions to clear. If given, this supersedes any of the ``--all`` and ``--linux`` options. This can be across different drives:: ``clearpart --list=sda2,sda3,sdb1``""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): obj = FC3_ClearPart.parse(self, args) if getattr(obj, "devices", []): obj.type = CLEARPART_TYPE_LIST return obj
[docs] class F21_ClearPart(F17_ClearPart): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(F21_ClearPart, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.disklabel = kwargs.get("disklabel", "") def __str__(self): s = super(F21_ClearPart, self).__str__() if s and self.disklabel: s = s.rstrip() s += " --disklabel=%s\n" % self.disklabel return s def _getParser(self): op = F17_ClearPart._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--disklabel", default="", version=F21, help=""" Set the default disklabel to use. Only disklabels supported for the platform will be accepted. eg. msdos and gpt for x86_64 but not dasd.""") return op
[docs] class F25_ClearPart(F21_ClearPart): def _getParser(self): op = super(F25_ClearPart, self)._getParser() op.add_argument("--drives", type=commaSplit, version=F25, help=""" The following clears the partitions on the first two drives on the system: ``clearpart --drives=sda,sdb`` or clear as many drives as it could and skip the missing (at least one must be matched): ``clearpart --drives=sda|sdb1`` or clear all virtio drives and only first scsi device if exists ``clearpart --drives=sda|vd*``""") op.add_argument("--list", dest="devices", type=commaSplit, version=F25, help=""" The following clears the partitions on the first two drives on the system: ``clearpart --list=sda,sdb`` or clear as many drives as it could and skip the missing (at least one must be matched): ``clearpart --list=sda|sdb1`` or clear all virtio drives and only first scsi device if exists ``clearpart --list=sda|vd*``""") return op
[docs] class F28_ClearPart(F25_ClearPart): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(F28_ClearPart, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.cdl = kwargs.get("cdl", False) def __str__(self): s = super(F28_ClearPart, self).__str__() if s and self.cdl: s = s.rstrip() s += " --cdl\n" return s def _getParser(self): op = super(F28_ClearPart, self)._getParser() op.add_argument("--cdl", dest="cdl", default=False, version=F28, action="store_true", help=""" Reformat any LDL DASDs to CDL format.""") return op
[docs] class RHEL7_ClearPart(F28_ClearPart): pass