Source code for pykickstart.commands.firewall

# Chris Lumens <>
# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
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from pykickstart.version import FC3, F9, F10, F14, F20, F28
from pykickstart.base import KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.options import ExtendAction, ExtendConstAction, KSOptionParser, commaSplit

[docs] class FC3_Firewall(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.enabled = kwargs.get("enabled", None) self.ports = kwargs.get("ports", []) self.trusts = kwargs.get("trusts", []) def __str__(self): extra = [] filteredPorts = [] retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.enabled is None: return retval if self.enabled: # It's possible we have words in the ports list instead of # port:proto (s-c-kickstart may do this). So, filter those # out into their own list leaving what we expect. for port in self.ports: if port == "ssh:tcp": extra.append(" --ssh") elif port == "telnet:tcp": extra.append(" --telnet") elif port == "smtp:tcp": extra.append(" --smtp") elif port == "http:tcp": extra.append(" --http") elif port == "ftp:tcp": extra.append(" --ftp") else: filteredPorts.append(port) # All the port:proto strings go into a comma-separated list. portstr = ",".join(filteredPorts) if portstr: portstr = " --port=" + portstr extrastr = "".join(extra) truststr = ",".join(self.trusts) if truststr: truststr = " --trust=" + truststr # The output port list consists only of port:proto for # everything that we don't recognize, and special options for # those that we do. retval += "# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --enabled%s%s%s\n" % (extrastr, portstr, truststr) else: retval += "# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --disabled\n" return retval def _getParser(self): def firewall_port_cb(value): retval = [] for p in value.split(","): p = p.strip() if p.find(":") == -1: p = "%s:tcp" % p retval.append(p) return retval op = KSOptionParser(prog="firewall", description=""" This option corresponds to the Firewall Configuration screen in the installation program""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--disable", "--disabled", dest="enabled", action="store_false", version=FC3, help="Do not configure any iptables rules.") op.add_argument("--enable", "--enabled", dest="enabled", action="store_true", default=True, help=""" Reject incoming connections that are not in response to outbound requests, such as DNS replies or DHCP requests. If access to services running on this machine is needed, you can choose to allow specific services through the firewall.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--ftp", dest="ports", action="append_const", const="21:tcp", version=FC3, help="Open port 21:tcp") op.add_argument("--http", dest="ports", action=ExtendConstAction, const=["80:tcp", "443:tcp"], nargs=0, version=FC3, help="Open ports 80:tcp and 443:tcp") op.add_argument("--smtp", dest="ports", action="append_const", const="25:tcp", version=FC3, help="Open port 25:tcp") op.add_argument("--ssh", dest="ports", action="append_const", const="22:tcp", version=FC3, help="Open port 22:tcp") op.add_argument("--telnet", dest="ports", action="append_const", const="23:tcp", version=FC3, help="Open port 23:tcp") op.add_argument("--high", deprecated=FC3, help="") op.add_argument("--medium", deprecated=FC3, help="") op.add_argument("--port", dest="ports", action=ExtendAction, type=firewall_port_cb, help=""" You can specify that ports be allowed through the firewall using the port:protocol format. You can also specify ports numerically. Multiple ports can be combined into one option as long as they are separated by commas. For example:: ``firewall --port=imap:tcp,1234:ucp,47``""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--trust", dest="trusts", action="append", help=""" Listing a device here, such as eth0, allows all traffic coming from that device to go through the firewall. To list more than one device, use --trust eth0 --trust eth1. Do NOT use a comma-separated format such as --trust eth0, eth1.""", version=FC3) return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class F9_Firewall(FC3_Firewall): removedKeywords = FC3_Firewall.removedKeywords removedAttrs = FC3_Firewall.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = FC3_Firewall._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--high", version=F9) op.remove_argument("--medium", version=F9) return op
[docs] class F10_Firewall(F9_Firewall): removedKeywords = F9_Firewall.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F9_Firewall.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F9_Firewall.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) = kwargs.get("services", []) def __str__(self): if self.enabled is None: return "" retval = F9_Firewall.__str__(self) if self.enabled: retval = retval.strip() svcstr = ",".join( if svcstr: svcstr = " --service=" + svcstr return retval + "%s\n" % svcstr else: return retval def _getParser(self): op = F9_Firewall._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--service", dest="services", action=ExtendAction, type=commaSplit, help=""" This option provides a higher-level way to allow services through the firewall. Some services (like cups, avahi, etc.) require multiple ports to be open or other special configuration in order for the service to work. You could specify each individual service with the ``--port`` option, or specify ``--service=`` and open them all at once. Valid options are anything recognized by the firewall-cmd program in the firewalld package. If firewalld is running:: ``firewall-cmd --get-services`` will provide a list of known service names.""", version=F10) op.add_argument("--ftp", dest="services", action="append_const", const="ftp", version=F10, help="Open the ftp service port") op.add_argument("--http", dest="services", action="append_const", const="http", version=F10, help="Open the http service port") op.add_argument("--smtp", dest="services", action="append_const", const="smtp", version=F10, help="Open the smtp service port") op.add_argument("--ssh", dest="services", action="append_const", const="ssh", version=F10, help="Open the ssh service port") op.add_argument("--telnet", deprecated=F10) return op
[docs] class F14_Firewall(F10_Firewall): removedKeywords = F10_Firewall.removedKeywords + ["telnet"] removedAttrs = F10_Firewall.removedAttrs + ["telnet"] def _getParser(self): op = F10_Firewall._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--telnet", version=F14) return op
[docs] class F20_Firewall(F14_Firewall): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F14_Firewall.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.remove_services = kwargs.get("remove_services", []) def _getParser(self): op = F14_Firewall._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--remove-service", dest="remove_services", help="Close ports for the comma-separated list of services", action=ExtendAction, type=commaSplit, version=F20) return op def __str__(self): if self.enabled is None: return "" retval = F14_Firewall.__str__(self) if self.enabled: retval = retval.strip() svcstr = ",".join(self.remove_services) if svcstr: svcstr = " --remove-service=" + svcstr return retval + "%s\n" % svcstr else: return retval
[docs] class F28_Firewall(F20_Firewall): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F20_Firewall.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.use_system_defaults = kwargs.get("use_system_defaults", None) def _getParser(self): op = F20_Firewall._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--use-system-defaults", dest="use_system_defaults", action="store_true", default=False, version=F28, help=""" Don't configure the firewall at all. This instructs anaconda to do nothing and allows the system to rely on the defaults that were provided with the package or ostree. If this option is used with other options then all other options will be ignored.""") return op def __str__(self): if self.use_system_defaults: return "# Firewall configuration\nfirewall --use-system-defaults\n" else: return F20_Firewall.__str__(self)