Source code for pykickstart.commands.rhsm

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from pykickstart.base import KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseError
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser
from pykickstart.version import RHEL8

from pykickstart.i18n import _

[docs] class RHEL8_RHSM(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.organization = kwargs.get("organization", None) self.activation_keys = kwargs.get("activation_keys", None) self.connect_to_insights = kwargs.get("connect_to_insights", None) self.proxy = kwargs.get("proxy", None) self.server_hostname = kwargs.get("server_hostname", None) self.rhsm_baseurl = kwargs.get("rhsm_baseurl", None) def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if not retval and not any([self.organization, self.activation_keys, self.proxy, self.server_hostname, self.rhsm_baseurl]): return "" retval += '# Red Hat Subscription Manager\nrhsm' # TODO: check if including the organization name & activation key in # the output kickstart is expected and safe if self.organization: retval+=' --organization="%s"' % self.organization for key in self.activation_keys: retval+=' --activation-key="%s"' % key if self.connect_to_insights: retval+=' --connect-to-insights' if self.proxy: retval += ' --proxy="%s"' % self.proxy if self.server_hostname: retval+=' --server-hostname="%s"' % self.server_hostname if self.rhsm_baseurl: retval+=' --rhsm-baseurl="%s"' % self.rhsm_baseurl retval+='\n' return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="rhsm", description=""" The rhsm command is used to configure a Red Hat subscription. A Red Hat subscription is required for installing from the Red Hat CDN installation source as well connecting the target system to Red Hat Insights. Subscription attached during the installation will also be available on the target system after the installation. System Purpose data specified via the syspurpose command may influence what subscription will be attached to the system. System Purpose data set via the syspurpose command will override system purpose data attached to activation keys. An organization id needs to be specified, as well as at least one activation key. """, version=RHEL8) op.add_argument("--organization", metavar="<organization_name>", version=RHEL8, required=True, help="Organization id.") op.add_argument("--activation-key", metavar="<activation_key>", action="append", dest="activation_keys", version=RHEL8, required=True, help="Activation key. Option can be used multiple times, once per activation key.") op.add_argument("--connect-to-insights", version=RHEL8, action="store_true", default=False, help="Connect to Red Hat Insights.") op.add_argument("--proxy", version=RHEL8, help=""" Specify an HTTP proxy to use for subscription purposes. The syntax is:: ``--proxy=[protocol://][username[:password]@]host[:port]`` """) op.add_argument("--server-hostname", metavar="<subscription_service_server_url>", version=RHEL8, required=False, help="Red Hat subscription service server URL.") op.add_argument("--rhsm-baseurl", metavar="<content_base_url>", version=RHEL8, required=False, help="Content base URL.") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) for key in ns.activation_keys: if key == "": raise KickstartParseError(_("Empty string is not a valid activation key."), lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) return self
[docs] class RHEL10_RHSM(RHEL8_RHSM): pass