# Peter Jones <pjones@redhat.com>
# Copyright 2009 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License v.2. This program is distributed in the hope that it
# will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY expressed or implied, including the
# See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
# Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. Any Red Hat
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# with the express permission of Red Hat, Inc.
from pykickstart.version import F13, F24
from pykickstart.base import BaseData, KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseError, KickstartParseWarning
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser
import warnings
from pykickstart.i18n import _
class F13_SshPwData(BaseData):
removedKeywords = BaseData.removedKeywords
removedAttrs = BaseData.removedAttrs
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
BaseData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.username = kwargs.get("username", None)
self.isCrypted = kwargs.get("isCrypted", False)
self.password = kwargs.get("password", "")
self.lock = kwargs.get("lock", False)
def __eq__(self, y):
if not y:
return False
return self.username == y.username
def __ne__(self, y):
return not self == y
def __str__(self):
retval = BaseData.__str__(self)
retval += "sshpw"
retval += self._getArgsAsStr() + '\n'
return retval
def _getArgsAsStr(self):
retval = ""
retval += " --username=%s" % self.username
if self.lock:
retval += " --lock"
if self.isCrypted:
retval += " --iscrypted"
retval += " --plaintext"
retval += " %s" % self.password
return retval
class F24_SshPwData(F13_SshPwData):
removedKeywords = F13_SshPwData.removedKeywords
removedAttrs = F13_SshPwData.removedAttrs
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
F13_SshPwData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.sshkey = kwargs.get("sshkey", False)
def _getArgsAsStr(self):
retval = ""
retval += " --username=%s" % self.username
if self.sshkey:
retval += ' --sshkey'
if self.lock:
retval += " --lock"
if self.isCrypted:
retval += " --iscrypted"
retval += " --plaintext"
retval += " %s" % self.password
return retval
class F13_SshPw(KickstartCommand):
removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords
removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs
def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs):
KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs)
self.op = self._getParser()
self.sshUserList = kwargs.get("sshUserList", [])
def __str__(self):
retval = ""
for user in self.sshUserList:
retval += user.__str__()
return retval
def _getParser(self):
op = KSOptionParser(prog="sshpw", description="""
The installer can start up ssh to provide for
interactivity and inspection, just like it can with
telnet. The "inst.sshd" option must be specified on
the kernel command-line for Anaconda to start an ssh
daemon. The sshpw command is used to control the
accounts created in the installation environment that
may be remotely logged into. For each instance of
this command given, a user will be created. These
users will not be created on the final system -
they only exist for use while the installer is
Note that by default, root has a blank password. If
you don't want any user to be able to ssh in and
have full access to your hardware, you must specify
sshpw for username root. Also note that if Anaconda
fails to parse the kickstart file, it will allow
anyone to login as root and have full access to
your hardware.""", version=F13)
op.add_argument("--username", required=True, metavar="<name>",
version=F13, help="""
Provides the name of the user. This option is required.
op.add_argument("--iscrypted", dest="isCrypted", action="store_true",
default=False, version=F13, help="""
If this is present, the password argument is assumed to
already be encrypted.""")
op.add_argument("--plaintext", dest="isCrypted", action="store_false",
version=F13, help="""
If this is present, the password argument is assumed to
not be encrypted. This is the default.""")
op.add_argument("--lock", action="store_true", default=False,
version=F13, help="""
If this is present, the new user account is locked by
default. That is, the user will not be able to login
from the console.""")
op.add_argument("password", metavar="<password>", nargs="*",
version=F13, help="""
The password string to use.""")
return op
def parse(self, args):
ud = self.dataClass() # pylint: disable=not-callable
(ns, extra) = self.op.parse_known_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno)
if not ns.password:
raise KickstartParseError(_("A single argument is expected for the %s command") % "sshpw", lineno=self.lineno)
if extra:
mapping = {"command": "sshpw", "options": extra}
raise KickstartParseError(_("Unexpected arguments to %(command)s command: %(options)s") % mapping, lineno=self.lineno)
self.set_to_obj(ns, ud)
ud.password = " ".join(ns.password)
ud.lineno = self.lineno
if ud in self.dataList():
warnings.warn(_("An ssh user with the name %s has already been defined.") % ud.username, KickstartParseWarning)
return ud
def dataList(self):
return self.sshUserList
def dataClass(self):
return self.handler.SshPwData
class F24_SshPw(F13_SshPw):
removedKeywords = F13_SshPw.removedKeywords
removedAttrs = F13_SshPw.removedAttrs
def _getParser(self):
op = F13_SshPw._getParser(self)
op.add_argument("--sshkey", action="store_true", default=False,
version=F24, help="""
If this is used then the <password> string is
interpreted as an ssh key value.""")
return op