Source code for pykickstart.commands.timezone

# Chris Lumens <>
# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
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# General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
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import warnings
from pykickstart.version import FC3, FC6, F18, F40
from pykickstart.base import KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseError, KickstartDeprecationWarning
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser, commaSplit

from pykickstart.i18n import _

[docs] class FC3_Timezone(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.isUtc = kwargs.get("isUtc", False) self.timezone = kwargs.get("timezone", "") def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.timezone: if self.isUtc: utc = "--utc" else: utc = "" retval += "# System timezone\ntimezone %s %s\n" % (utc, self.timezone) return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="timezone", description=""" This required command sets the system time zone to which may be any of the time zones listed by timeconfig.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("--utc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC3, help=""" If present, the system assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC (Greenwich Mean) time. *To get the list of supported timezones, you can either run this script: or look at this list:* """) op.add_argument("timezone", metavar="<timezone>", nargs=1, version=FC3, help=""" Timezone name, e.g. Europe/Sofia.""") return op # Caution: This method is overridden in the RHEL7_Timezone & F25_Timezone classes # by a new implementation not calling this method.
[docs] def parse(self, args): (ns, extra) = self.op.parse_known_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) assert len(ns.timezone) == 1 if extra: mapping = {"command": "timezone", "options": extra} raise KickstartParseError(_("Unexpected arguments to %(command)s command: %(options)s") % mapping, lineno=self.lineno) self.timezone = ns.timezone[0] return self
[docs] class FC6_Timezone(FC3_Timezone): removedKeywords = FC3_Timezone.removedKeywords removedAttrs = FC3_Timezone.removedAttrs def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.timezone: if self.isUtc: utc = "--isUtc" else: utc = "" retval += "# System timezone\ntimezone %s %s\n" % (utc, self.timezone) return retval def _getParser(self): op = FC3_Timezone._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--utc", "--isUtc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC6, help=""" The ``--isUtc`` option was added.""") return op
[docs] class F18_Timezone(FC6_Timezone): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): FC6_Timezone.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.nontp = kwargs.get("nontp", False) self.ntpservers = kwargs.get("ntpservers", set()) def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) if self.timezone: retval += "# System timezone\n" retval += "timezone " + self._getArgsAsStr() + "\n" return retval def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = self.timezone if self.isUtc: retval += " --isUtc" if self.nontp: retval += " --nontp" if self.ntpservers: retval += " --ntpservers=" + ",".join(self.ntpservers) return retval def _getParser(self): op = FC6_Timezone._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--nontp", action="store_true", default=False, version=F18, help=""" Disable automatic starting of NTP service. ``--nontp`` and ``--ntpservers`` are mutually exclusive. """) op.add_argument("--ntpservers", dest="ntpservers", type=commaSplit, metavar="<server1>,<server2>,...,<serverN>", version=F18, help=""" Specify a list of NTP servers to be used (comma-separated list with no spaces). The chrony package is automatically installed when this option is used. If you don't want the package to be automatically installed then use ``-chrony`` in package selection. For example:: timezone, Europe/Prague """) return op # Caution: The parse() method is overridden in the RHEL7_Timezone & F25_Timezone classes # by a new implementation not calling this method.
[docs] def parse(self, args): FC6_Timezone.parse(self, args) # NTP servers can only be listed once in F18, so weed out the duplicates now. self.ntpservers = list(set(self.ntpservers)) if self.ntpservers and self.nontp: msg = _("Options --nontp and --ntpservers are mutually exclusive") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return self
[docs] class F23_Timezone(F18_Timezone): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): F18_Timezone.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.ntpservers = kwargs.get("ntpservers", list()) # Caution: This method is overridden in the RHEL7_Timezone & F25_Timezone classes # by a new implementation not calling this method.
[docs] def parse(self, args): FC6_Timezone.parse(self, args) if self.ntpservers and self.nontp: msg = _("Options --nontp and --ntpservers are mutually exclusive") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return self
# About the RHEL7_Timezone & F25_Timezone command classes # ======================================================= # # The F18_Timezone command class used in RHEL <=7.2 the F23_Timezone # command class used in Fedora <=24 the always required a timezone # specification to be provided. # # On the other hand the timezone command has also some commands that don't # really need a timezone to be specified to work, like "--utc/--isutc". # # So if you for example wanted to set the hwclock to the UTC mode but still # wanted the user to set a timezone manually in the UI (by not providing a # timezone specification), you were out of luck - a timezone parsing error # would be raised. # # To fix this we need to remove the requirement on always providing one # argument to the timezone command. As the requirement is present # quite deep in the class hierarchy (in the original FC3_Timezone class) # we reimplement the parse() method in the RHEL7_Timezone and F25_Timezone # classes and avoid calling the ancestors parse(), as it otherwise done in all # other command child classes.
[docs] class RHEL7_Timezone(F18_Timezone): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F18_Timezone.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="timezone", description=""" This required command sets the system time zone to which may be any of the time zones listed by timeconfig.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("timezone", metavar="<timezone>", nargs="*", version=FC3, help=""" Timezone name, e.g. Europe/Sofia. This is optional but at least one of the options needs to be used if no timezone is specified. """) op.add_argument("--utc", "--isUtc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC6, help=""" If present, the system assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC (Greenwich Mean) time. *To get the list of supported timezones, you can either run this script: or look at this list:* """) op.add_argument("--nontp", action="store_true", default=False, version=F18, help=""" Disable automatic starting of NTP service. ``--nontp`` and ``--ntpservers`` are mutually exclusive. """) op.add_argument("--ntpservers", dest="ntpservers", type=commaSplit, metavar="<server1>,<server2>,...,<serverN>", version=F18, help=""" Specify a list of NTP servers to be used (comma-separated list with no spaces). The chrony package is automatically installed when this option is used. If you don't want the package to be automatically installed then use ``-chrony`` in package selection. For example:: timezone, Europe/Prague """) return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) # just "timezone" without any arguments and timezone specification doesn't really make sense, # so throw an error when we see it (it might even be an indication of an incorrect machine generated kickstart) if not args: error_message = _("At least one option and/or an argument are expected for the %s command") % "timezone" raise KickstartParseError(error_message, lineno=self.lineno) # To be able to support the timezone command being used without # a timezone specification: # - we don't call the parse() method of the ancestors # -> due to the FC3 parse() method that would be eventually called, # which throws an exception if no timezone specification is provided # - we implement the relevant functionality of the ancestor methods here if len(ns.timezone) == 1: self.timezone = ns.timezone[0] elif len(ns.timezone) > 1: error_message = _("One or zero arguments are expected for the %s command") % "timezone" raise KickstartParseError(error_message, lineno=self.lineno) if self.ntpservers and self.nontp: msg = _("Options --nontp and --ntpservers are mutually exclusive") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return self
[docs] class F25_Timezone(F23_Timezone): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F23_Timezone.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() def __str__(self): retval = KickstartCommand.__str__(self) args = self._getArgsAsStr() if args: retval += "# System timezone\n" retval += "timezone" + args + "\n" return retval def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = "" if self.timezone: retval += " " + self.timezone if self.isUtc: retval += " --isUtc" if self.nontp: retval += " --nontp" if self.ntpservers: retval += " --ntpservers=" + ",".join(self.ntpservers) return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="timezone", description=""" This required command sets the system time zone to which may be any of the time zones listed by timeconfig.""", version=FC3) op.add_argument("timezone", metavar="<timezone>", nargs="*", version=FC3, help=""" Timezone name, e.g. Europe/Sofia. This is optional but at least one of the options needs to be used if no timezone is specified. """) op.add_argument("--utc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC6, help=""" If present, the system assumes the hardware clock is set to UTC (Greenwich Mean) time. *To get the list of supported timezones, you can either run this script: or look at this list:* """) op.add_argument("--isUtc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, version=FC6, help=""" This is an alias for the ``--utc`` option. """) op.add_argument("--nontp", action="store_true", default=False, version=F18, help=""" Disable automatic starting of NTP service. ``--nontp`` and ``--ntpservers`` are mutually exclusive. """) op.add_argument("--ntpservers", dest="ntpservers", type=commaSplit, metavar="<server1>,<server2>,...,<serverN>", version=F18, help=""" Specify a list of NTP servers to be used (comma-separated list with no spaces). The chrony package is automatically installed when this option is used. If you don't want the package to be automatically installed then use ``-chrony`` in package selection. For example:: timezone, Europe/Prague """) return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_self(ns) # just "timezone" without any arguments and timezone specification doesn't really make sense, # so throw an error when we see it (it might even be an indication of an incorrect machine generated kickstart) if not args: error_message = _("At least one option and/or an argument are expected for the %s command") % "timezone" raise KickstartParseError(error_message, lineno=self.lineno) # To be able to support the timezone command being used without # a timezone specification: # - we don't call the parse() method of the ancestors # -> due to the FC3 parse() method that would be eventually called, # which throws an exception if no timezone specification is provided # - we implement the relevant functionality of the ancestor methods here if len(ns.timezone) == 1: self.timezone = ns.timezone[0] elif len(ns.timezone) > 1: error_message = _("One or zero arguments are expected for the %s command") % "timezone" raise KickstartParseError(error_message, lineno=self.lineno) if self.ntpservers and self.nontp: msg = _("Options --nontp and --ntpservers are mutually exclusive") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return self
[docs] class F32_Timezone(F25_Timezone): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F25_Timezone.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() def _getArgsAsStr(self): retval = "" if self.timezone: retval += " " + self.timezone if self.isUtc: retval += " --utc" if self.nontp: retval += " --nontp" if self.ntpservers: retval += " --ntpservers=" + ",".join(self.ntpservers) return retval
[docs] def parse(self, args): F25_Timezone.parse(self, args) if "--isUtc" in args: warnings.warn(_("The option --isUtc will be deprecated in future releases. Please " "modify your kickstart file to replace this option with its preferred " "alias --utc."), KickstartDeprecationWarning) return self
[docs] class F33_Timezone(F32_Timezone): def __init__(self, writePriority=0, *args, **kwargs): F32_Timezone.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser()
[docs] def parse(self, args): F32_Timezone.parse(self, args) if self.ntpservers: warnings.warn(_("The option --ntpservers will be deprecated in future releases. Please " "modify your kickstart file to replace this option with " "timesource --ntp-server <server hostname> command invocation, " "one per NTP server."), KickstartDeprecationWarning) if self.nontp: warnings.warn(_("The option --nontp will be deprecated in future releases. Please " "modify your kickstart file to replace this option with " "timesource --ntp-disable command invocation."), KickstartDeprecationWarning) return self
[docs] class F40_Timezone(F33_Timezone): def _getParser(self): op = super()._getParser() # Deprecate options. op.add_argument("--isUtc", dest="isUtc", action="store_true", default=False, deprecated=F40) op.add_argument("--nontp", action="store_true", default=False, deprecated=F40) op.add_argument("--ntpservers", dest="ntpservers", type=commaSplit, metavar="<server1>,<server2>,...,<serverN>", deprecated=F40) return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): # Skip future deprecation warnings. return F25_Timezone.parse(self, args)