Source code for pykickstart.commands.zfcp

# Chris Lumens <>
# Copyright 2005, 2006, 2007 Red Hat, Inc.
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, modify,
# copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU
# General Public License v.2.  This program is distributed in the hope that it
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from textwrap import dedent

from pykickstart.errors import KickstartParseWarning, KickstartParseError
from pykickstart.version import FC3, F12, F14, F37, versionToLongString
from pykickstart.base import BaseData, KickstartCommand
from pykickstart.options import KSOptionParser

import warnings
from pykickstart.i18n import _

[docs] class FC3_ZFCPData(BaseData): removedKeywords = BaseData.removedKeywords removedAttrs = BaseData.removedAttrs def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): BaseData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.devnum = kwargs.get("devnum", "") self.wwpn = kwargs.get("wwpn", "") self.fcplun = kwargs.get("fcplun", "") self.scsiid = kwargs.get("scsiid", "") self.scsilun = kwargs.get("scsilun", "") def __eq__(self, y): if not y: return False return self.devnum == y.devnum and self.wwpn == y.wwpn and \ self.fcplun == y.fcplun and self.scsiid == y.scsiid and \ self.scsilun == y.scsilun def __ne__(self, y): return not self == y def __str__(self): retval = BaseData.__str__(self) retval += "zfcp" if self.devnum: retval += " --devnum=%s" % self.devnum if self.wwpn: retval += " --wwpn=%s" % self.wwpn if self.fcplun: retval += " --fcplun=%s" % self.fcplun if hasattr(self, "scsiid") and self.scsiid: retval += " --scsiid=%s" % self.scsiid if hasattr(self, "scsilun") and self.scsilun: retval += " --scsilun=%s" % self.scsilun return retval + "\n"
[docs] class F12_ZFCPData(FC3_ZFCPData): removedKeywords = FC3_ZFCPData.removedKeywords + ["scsiid", "scsilun"] removedAttrs = FC3_ZFCPData.removedAttrs + ["scsiid", "scsilun"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FC3_ZFCPData.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.deleteRemovedAttrs() def __eq__(self, y): if not y: return False return self.devnum == y.devnum and self.wwpn == y.wwpn and \ self.fcplun == y.fcplun
[docs] class F14_ZFCPData(F12_ZFCPData): pass
[docs] class F37_ZFCPData(F14_ZFCPData): pass
[docs] class RHEL9_ZFCPData(F14_ZFCPData): pass
[docs] class FC3_ZFCP(KickstartCommand): removedKeywords = KickstartCommand.removedKeywords removedAttrs = KickstartCommand.removedAttrs def __init__(self, writePriority=71, *args, **kwargs): KickstartCommand.__init__(self, writePriority, *args, **kwargs) self.op = self._getParser() self.zfcp = kwargs.get("zfcp", []) def __str__(self): retval = "" for zfcp in self.zfcp: retval += zfcp.__str__() return retval def _getParser(self): op = KSOptionParser(prog="zfcp", version=FC3, description=""" Define a Fibre channel device. This option only applies on IBM System z.""") op.add_argument("--devnum", required=True, version=FC3, help=""" The device number (zFCP adaptor device bus ID).""") op.add_argument("--fcplun", required=True, version=FC3, help=""" The device's Logical Unit Number (LUN). Takes the form of a 16-digit number, preceded by 0x.""") op.add_argument("--wwpn", required=True, version=FC3, help=""" The device's World Wide Port Name (WWPN). Takes the form of a 16-digit number, preceded by 0x.""") op.add_argument("--scsiid", required=True, version=FC3, help="SCSI ID") op.add_argument("--scsilun", required=True, version=FC3, help="SCSI LUN") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): zd = self.dataClass() # pylint: disable=not-callable ns = self.op.parse_args(args=args, lineno=self.lineno) self.set_to_obj(ns, zd) zd.lineno = self.lineno # Check for duplicates in the data list. if zd in self.dataList(): warnings.warn(_("A zfcp with this information has already been defined."), KickstartParseWarning) return zd
[docs] def dataList(self): return self.zfcp
@property def dataClass(self): return self.handler.ZFCPData
[docs] class F12_ZFCP(FC3_ZFCP): removedKeywords = FC3_ZFCP.removedKeywords removedAttrs = FC3_ZFCP.removedAttrs + ["scsiid", "scsilun"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): FC3_ZFCP.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.deleteRemovedAttrs() def _getParser(self): op = FC3_ZFCP._getParser(self) op.add_argument("--scsiid", deprecated=F12) op.add_argument("--scsilun", deprecated=F12) return op
[docs] class F14_ZFCP(F12_ZFCP): removedKeywords = F12_ZFCP.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F12_ZFCP.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F12_ZFCP._getParser(self) op.remove_argument("--scsiid", version=F14) op.remove_argument("--scsilun", version=F14) return op
[docs] class F37_ZFCP(F14_ZFCP): removedKeywords = F14_ZFCP.removedKeywords removedAttrs = F14_ZFCP.removedAttrs def _getParser(self): op = F14_ZFCP._getParser(self) op.description += dedent(""" .. versionchanged:: %s It is sufficient to specify an FCP device bus ID if automatic LUN scanning is available. Otherwise all three parameters are required. ``zfcp --devnum=<devnum> [--wwpn=<wwpn> --fcplun=<lun>]`` Automatic LUN scanning is available for FCP devices operating in NPIV mode if it is not disabled through the `zfcp.allow_lun_scan` module parameter (enabled by default). It provides access to all SCSI devices, that is, WWPNs and FCP LUNs, found in the storage area network attached to the FCP device with the specified bus ID. """ % versionToLongString(F37)) op.epilog += dedent(""" For example:: zfcp --devnum=0.0.6000 zfcp --devnum=0.0.4000 --wwpn=0x5005076300C213e9 --fcplun=0x5022000000000000 """) op.add_argument("--wwpn", default="", required=False, version=F37, help=""" The argument is optional.""") op.add_argument("--fcplun", default="", required=False, version=F37, help=""" The argument is optional.""") return op
[docs] def parse(self, args): data = F14_ZFCP.parse(self, args) if not ((data.devnum and not data.wwpn and not data.fcplun) or (data.devnum and data.wwpn and data.fcplun)): msg = _("Only --devnum or --devnum with --wwpn and --fcplun are allowed.") raise KickstartParseError(msg, lineno=self.lineno) return data
[docs] class RHEL9_ZFCP(F37_ZFCP): pass