# Chris Lumens <clumens@redhat.com>
# Copyright 2006-2015 Red Hat, Inc.
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Methods for working with kickstart versions.
This module defines several symbolic constants that specify kickstart syntax
versions. Each version corresponds roughly to one release of Red Hat Linux,
Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or Fedora Core as these are where most syntax
changes take place.
This module also exports several functions:
makeVersion - Given a version number, return an instance of the
matching handler class.
returnClassForVersion - Given a version number, return the matching
handler class. This does not return an
instance of that class, however.
stringToVersion - Convert a string representation of a version number
into the symbolic constant.
versionToString - Perform the reverse mapping.
versionToLongString - Perform the reverse mapping but use long names.
versionFromFile - Read a kickstart file and determine the version of
syntax it uses. This requires the kickstart file to
have a version= comment in it.
import os, re, sys
import importlib
from pykickstart.i18n import _
from pykickstart.errors import KickstartVersionError
from pykickstart.load import load_to_str
# Symbolic names for internal version numbers.
RHEL3 = 900
FC3 = 1000
RHEL4 = 1100
FC4 = 2000
FC5 = 3000
FC6 = 4000
RHEL5 = 4100
F7 = 5000
F8 = 6000
F9 = 7000
F10 = 8000
F11 = 9000
F12 = 10000
F13 = 11000
RHEL6 = 11100
F14 = 12000
F15 = 13000
F16 = 14000
F17 = 15000
F18 = 16000
F19 = 17000
F20 = 18000
F21 = 19000
RHEL7 = 19100
F22 = 20000
F23 = 21000
F24 = 22000
F25 = 23000
F26 = 24000
F27 = 25000
F28 = 26000
RHEL8 = 26100
F29 = 27000
F30 = 30000
F31 = 31000
F32 = 32000
F33 = 33000
F34 = 34000
RHEL9 = 34100
F35 = 35000
F36 = 36000
F37 = 37000
F38 = 38000
F39 = 39000
F40 = 40000
RHEL10 = 40100
F41 = 41000
F42 = 42000
# This always points at the latest version and is the default.
# On Fedora this points to DEVEL
# On RHEL it points to the RHEL version that should be the default when no version is passed
# A one-to-one mapping from string representations to version numbers.
versionMap = {
"FC3": FC3, "FC4": FC4, "FC5": FC5, "FC6": FC6, "F7": F7, "F8": F8,
"F9": F9, "F10": F10, "F11": F11, "F12": F12, "F13": F13,
"F14": F14, "F15": F15, "F16": F16, "F17": F17, "F18": F18,
"F19": F19, "F20": F20, "F21": F21, "F22": F22, "F23": F23,
"F24": F24, "F25": F25, "F26": F26, "F27": F27, "F28": F28,
"F29": F29, "F30": F30, "F31": F31, "F32": F32, "F33": F33,
"F34": F34, "F35": F35, "F36": F36, "F37": F37, "F38": F38,
"F39": F39, "F40": F40, "F41": F41, "F42": F42,
"RHEL7": RHEL7, "RHEL8": RHEL8, "RHEL9": RHEL9, "RHEL10": RHEL10,
def stringToVersion(s):
"""Convert string into one of the provided version constants. Raises
KickstartVersionError if string does not match anything.
# First try these short forms.
return versionMap[s.upper()]
except KeyError:
# Now try the Fedora versions.
m = re.match(r"^fedora.* (\d+)$", s, re.I) # pylint: disable=no-member
if m and m.group(1):
if "FC" + m.group(1) in versionMap:
return versionMap["FC" + m.group(1)]
elif "F" + m.group(1) in versionMap:
return versionMap["F" + m.group(1)]
raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % s)
# Now try the RHEL versions.
m = re.match(r"^red hat enterprise linux.* (\d+)([\.\d]*)$", s, re.I) # pylint: disable=no-member
if m and m.group(1):
if "RHEL" + m.group(1) in versionMap:
return versionMap["RHEL" + m.group(1)]
raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % s)
# If nothing else worked, we're out of options.
raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % s)
def versionToString(version, skipDevel=False):
"""Convert version into a string representation of the version number.
This is the reverse operation of stringToVersion. Raises
KickstartVersionError if version does not match anything.
if not skipDevel and version == versionMap["DEVEL"]:
return "DEVEL"
for (key, val) in list(versionMap.items()):
if key == "DEVEL":
elif val == version:
return key
raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % version)
def versionToLongString(version):
Convert version into a long string representation.
result = versionToString(version, True)
result = result.replace('FC', 'F').replace('F', 'Fedora')
result = result.replace('RHEL', 'RedHatEnterpriseLinux')
return result
def versionFromFile(f):
"""Given a file or URL, look for a line starting with #version= and
return the version number. If no version is found, return the
default version (DEVEL on Fedora and RHELx on RHEL).
contents = load_to_str(f)
for line in contents.splitlines(True):
if line.strip() == "":
if line[:9] == "#version=":
v = stringToVersion(line[9:].rstrip())
return v
def returnClassForVersion(version=DEFAULT_VERSION):
"""Return the class of the syntax handler for version. version can be
either a string or the matching constant. Raises KickstartVersionError
if version does not match anything.
version = int(version)
module = "%s" % versionToString(version, skipDevel=True)
except ValueError:
module = "%s" % version
version = stringToVersion(version)
module = module.lower()
_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "handlers/")
loaded = importlib.import_module(module)
for (k, v) in list(loaded.__dict__.items()):
if k.lower().endswith("%shandler" % module):
return v
raise KickstartVersionError(_("Unsupported version specified: %s") % version)
def makeVersion(version=DEFAULT_VERSION):
"""Return a new instance of the syntax handler for version. version can be
either a string or the matching constant. This function is useful for
standalone programs which just need to handle a specific version of
kickstart syntax (as provided by a command line argument, for example)
and need to instantiate the correct object.
cl = returnClassForVersion(version)
return cl()
def getVersionFromCommandClass(cls):
return versionMap[cls.__name__.split('_')[0]]
def isRHEL(version):
return "RHEL" in versionToString(version, skipDevel=True)